Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs)
Triodos Bank supports numerous civil society initiatives that are in line with our transition themes. In 2023, Triodos Bank was the first bank to support the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty initiative, a global effort to foster international cooperation to accelerate a transition to renewable energy for everyone, end the expansion of coal, oil and gas, and equitably phase out existing production in keeping with what science shows is needed to address the climate crisis. We worked closely with the initiative in gathering support calling on governments to create this treaty at COP28.
In the Netherlands, we were one of the initiators of the citizens' initiative Farewell to Fossil Fuels (Afscheid van Fossiel), an appeal to the House of Representatives to truly start working on phasing out fossil fuels. Together with 25 other organisations we mobilised the support of more than 42,500 Dutch citizens.
In 2024, Triodos Bank joined the Right to Repair coalition. Together with coalition members, we want to contribute to a faster development of laws and policies in the field of repair, exchange knowledge and support innovative repair initiatives.
Triodos Bank UK has supported the Money Movers resource hub in partnership with Friends of the Earth. Money Movers is a movement of people supporting each other to take climate action with their personal finances.
In the UK, in 2024 we coordinated an open letter, signed by 70 businesses, calling for parliamentary candidates to support the UK Climate and Nature Bill, a proposed framework legislation that could provide a plan to tackle both the climate and nature emergencies.
Triodos Bank UK supports the Centre for Thriving Places in its work to help put the wellbeing of people, place and planet centre stage. In 2024, we sponsored the publication of a 'Wellbeing Economy in Action’ report showcasing stories of local leaders.
Memberships for Triodos Bank UK include Green Alliance, The Climate Coalition, the Aldersgate Group and Business Declares, a peer business network for business-declaring an ecological and climate emergency.
In Germany, we have joined the Bundesverband Nachhaltige Wirtschaft (German Sustainable Economy Association), which brings together 700 innovative companies to drive forward economic and social change, by showing how it can be done and advocating further positive change.
In Spain, we participated with WWF and Oxfam Novib on events about the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive and collaborated with Ecodes, Ongawa and Oxfam in support of the Fossil Fuel Non Proliferation Treaty. Triodos Bank Netherlands is active in MVO Nederland and Transparency International NL.
Financial sector
Part of our mission is to change finance. This makes the financial sector one of our most important stakeholders. We interact with our colleagues in the sector on a regular basis, in person, through banking associations or during events.
Triodos Bank is a member of several local, regional and international platforms and associations, consisting of a diverse set of organisations, such as the Global Alliance for Banking on Values (GABV), the Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN), B Corp (which includes a wide range of companies, not all active in the financial sector), United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP-FI), United Kingdom Social Investment Forum (UKSIF) and many more.
We are also active in the European Banking Federation (EBF), in the Dutch Association of Banks (NVB) we taken an active role in several sustainability committees; and in Spain we are a member of Spanish banking association AEB, Spainsif, SpainNab and the Green Finance Institute. The managing director from Triodos Bank Germany is a member of the sustainable finance council of the federal government and coordinates the climate commitment of the German financial sector.
In Belgium, Triodos Bank actively positions itself within the financial sector by building strong relationships with important organisations. The most important points of contact include Febelfin, Woman in Finance and IFB Impact Finance. Through these networks, Triodos Bank strengthens its presence and influence in the sector, focusing on sustainability and inclusivity in the financial world. In addition, we endorse major partnerships with organisations including The Shift Biodiversity and work with the largest NGOs on a daily basis, in order to increase our impact.
Triodos Bank the Netherlands is one of the organising partners of Springtij, a convening space that brings together business, government and civil society actors to look at sustainability issues from an integral point of view.
Triodos Bank has ongoing dialogues with local and (inter)national governments and supervisory bodies, sometimes in partnership with other financial institutions or other partners. It engages in conversations about the sector and has regular meetings to discuss issues that are relevant to its business.
Key topics it focuses on in conversations and consultations include the positive impact and potential of sustainable banking, the strength of greater diversity in the banking industry and the need for stricter regulation to face out fossil fuels and creating more attention to biodiversity.
Triodos Bank’s profile has developed rapidly in recent years in all the countries where it operates, via coverage in the media in particular. In addition to media coverage, Triodos Bank uses newsletters, social media, such as Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn, and its corporate and Colour of Money websites to communicate news, attract new co-workers and to engage with stakeholders interested in its story.
In 2024, we held interviews with a number of mainstream media such about sustainable banking and impact investing. We also launched a new podcast called Money for Change. In Spain, more than 30 media/journalists participated in events organised by Triodos Bank.
Triodos Bank UK CEO has a regular column in the Metro newspaper – one of the largest circulated newspapers in the country – with a focus on sustainable banking. In 2024, Triodos Bank UK has sponsored a podcast series ‘If I ruled the world’ with celebrated TV presenter Gillian Burke and a new documentary ‘Sea, Land and City’ hosted on the Waterbear streaming platform, highlighting inspiring nature restoration projects in the South West of the UK. We also partnered with the 2024 Ethical Consumer Conference, focused on discussions around degrowth and post-growth. Chief Economist Hans Stegeman visited London to speak at the event.
Triodos Bank NL has a proactive media policy, where we approach the press with our reasoned, newsworthy view in response to news or a development. Examples where we actively inform press are new projects we are funding and our view on transitions. In the Netherlands, Triodos Bank Chief Economist Hans Stegeman has a weekly column in magazine Vrij Nederland and a monthly opinion piece in newspaper Het Financieel Dagblad.
In Germany, Triodos Bank is regularly reported on in the financial and business press, as well as in media focusing on sustainable topics - e.g. Ecoreporter, Utopia, Tagesspiegel Background Sustainable Finance and Handelsblatt Business Briefing Nachhaltige Investments.
Triodos Bank has achieved top rankings in surveys of top German economic media. For example, in a consumer study by Handelsblatt, we were once again recognised as the best sustainability bank in 2024, with the best customer advice and the highest level of trust. In the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung's analysis, we were recognised as the best customer advisor and most trustworthy company among German direct banks,