Our vision for a prosperous life for people on a thriving planet

Towards a regenerative economy​

We envision a world where people have the tools and resources to live fulfilling lives. A world where the economy operates in harmony with nature and within planetary boundaries. ​

It's time to act

Translating complexity into targeted action​

Five interlinked transition themes​

Change Finance

Finance Change

Our focus on impact dictates which sectors we finance and how we finance them. In our case, that means only financing the entrepreneurs and enterprises that create positive change. We publish details of every organisation we finance on our website, so you can see for yourself how your money delivers positive change for people and planet.​

Discover our impact near you

Impact in numbers

Triodos Bank has a community of over 746,000 customers and has 23.2 billion euro in total assets under management. We have banking activities in the Netherlands, Belgium, the UK, Spain, and Germany and investment management activities globally.

View our integrated annual report

Our impact in practice

Case study

Stories that reflect the core goals of an organisation are crucial to understanding its true impact. Meet one of our inspiring Triodos Bank customers.

Our blueprint for impact measurement


In ‘Pioneering impact finance in energy and housing’ we are sharing a blueprint for real impact measurement, starting with our energy transition and mortgage portfolios.

Want to discover more?

For more on our impact

Check out our Annual Report

Know where your money goes

Discover our impact near you