This is made possible by a thorough update of Triodos Bank's mobile banking app. In addition to day-to-day banking, the app provides a very clear picture of what impact investing via Triodos Bank has.
For example, it shows investors per fund how much CO2 they have avoided or how much sustainable energy is generated. Or the number of sustainable meals or social facilities that they help make possible. But we also show if your investment leads to waste. So that you also become more aware of that.
As of June, savers at Triodos Bank will also see at an individual level the impact that their savings generate through lending to sustainable entrepreneurs and green mortgages. In addition to the impact of savings, all customers will also be able to see articles and content in the app about sustainable entrepreneurs and projects financed thanks to Triodos' savings and investment customers.
The mission becomes concrete and tangible
Greo Belgers, Group Marketing Director of Triodos Bank: “Our customers have made the conscious choice to support Triodos Bank's mission to make a positive impact with money. We are now making that mission very concrete and tangible at an individual level by showing the effect each euro has. The app helps customers to make more conscious choices. First by showing the impact and giving tips and suggestions. Alternatives will be offered at a later stage.”
The impact app will first be rolled out in the Netherlands and Belgium. After that, Spain and the United Kingdom follow.
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Impact by Triodos Bank
The information about individual impact in the app is based on the general impact data that Triodos Bank has made available for years in its annual report and on real live impact data from the investment funds.
For example, the 2021 annual report shows that Triodos Bank has generated enough sustainable energy for approximately 6 million households with its loans and investments. Financing sustainable farmers yielded the equivalent of 34 million organic meals. And about 59,000 people were provided with social housing.