We believe that social inclusion improves with financial inclusion. We fund values-based organisations working for inclusive finance across the world, because they provide access to fair and transparent financial services for people and small businesses. Bringing people into the financial system spurs social and economic development and contributes to achieving multiple SDGs.
At year-end 2022, Triodos Investment Management’s financial inclusion funds financed 113 financial service providers (2021: 111) in 47 countries. These values-based institutions vary from small NGOs working in underdeveloped markets to digital lending platforms and fully fledged banks that offer access to a range of fair and transparent financial services for people and small businesses.
Together, these financial service providers reached approximately 19.9 million individuals in 2022, saving for unexpected expenses and their future (2021: 18.6 million).
Some 20.3 million borrowers were reached who used the funding to start or expand their business, generate income and better manage their daily lives (2021: 17.8 million). Two-thirds of them live in rural areas.
The increased number of savers and borrowers is coming from new investments and recovery and reactivation from COVID-19 and is related to highly qualified professionals and business from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus who have shifted their finance to financial service providers in neighbouring countries in which we invest.
Of the loan clients, 80% are female. Women in developing countries and emerging economies are often in a disadvantaged position. Giving women the freedom to manage their income and to support their families empowers their position and has been shown to have a greater economic impact overall.