With a mission to create impactful, investment-ready projects that conserve, restore, and sustainably manage tropical landscapes, Treevive is setting the stage for a greener future. And now, with the backing of Triodos Regenerative Money Centre (TRMC), that future looks even brighter.

Empowering forest project owners

For many forest managers and owners, the path to sustainable forest management can be fraught with challenges. This is where Treevive steps in, offering hope and actionable solutions. Whether it’s providing pre-financing, technical assistance, or navigating the complexities of the carbon market, Treevive equips forest project owners with the tools they need to succeed.

But Treevive’s approach doesn’t stop at carbon credits. Recognising that carbon credits alone may not sustain forest projects economically, Treevive helps managers tap into additional revenue streams like timber and agroforestry products. This holistic strategy ensures that these projects are both environmentally sustainable and economically viable, fostering long-term success.

A shared vision for impact

At TRMC, we prioritise the early stages of project development, ensuring that innovative solutions are primed for investment. We believe in the potential of Nature-based Solutions to address the environmental challenges of our time. Treevive’s role as a market enabler aligns perfectly with our mission. Their work addresses a significant bottleneck in capital flow to tropical forests by ensuring investment readiness, a critical factor that often hinders necessary funding from reaching these vital ecosystems.

Planting a tree.

This partnership is rooted in a shared commitment to sustainability and long-term impact. By supporting Treevive, we are not just investing in projects, we are investing in a sustainable future where nature and communities can thrive together. This collaboration is a testament to the power of patient, risk-tolerant capital in driving transformative change. By partnering with Treevive, we are directly contributing to unlocking this potential, paving the way for more substantial and sustained investments in tropical forest conservation.

Liesbeth Gort, CEO of Treevive, commented: "More private capital is needed for the restoration and protection of tropical forest landscapes, as this natural capital remains underfunded. The partnership with TRMC enables us to accelerate our mission to combat deforestation and restore tropical forests. This is crucial for limiting climate change and halting biodiversity loss."

Partnering with companies for lasting impact

In today’s world, corporate responsibility is more than just a buzzword. It’s a necessity. Treevive offers companies a tangible way to contribute to global sustainability by purchasing high-quality, fairly priced forest carbon credits. But the partnership goes beyond transactions. Treevive ensures that the companies they work with are genuinely committed to a science-based pathway to net-zero emissions, with strict criteria ensuring no involvement in deforestation or forest degradation. By aligning corporate actions with the goals of the Paris Agreement, Treevive helps companies make a real, lasting impact on the planet.

Treevive is powered by Form International and has 30 years of experience in the development, investment, and implementation of forest landscape projects in Africa, Latin America, and Asia. These projects include reforestation, forest restoration and planting, improved forest management, REDD+, and agroforestry. Treevive is committed to high integrity and quality standards, ensuring strong climate, community, and biodiversity benefits. They adhere to strict quality and integrity standards to meet international agreements, carbon and forest certification standards, and ESG requirements.