These companies were brought together by the Dutch Sustainable Growth Coalition (DSGC). Triodos Bank supports the core of this message, but in a separate response to the chair of DSGC concludes the statement underplays the vital leadership role business and finance ought to play.
“Businesses and investments need to change fundamentally. Pursuing positive impact as well as creating true value. The immediate priority in our view should lie with transforming the fossil industry and the unsustainable food and agriculture business.
We believe the more business leadership shows true ambition to change, the better governments will be in a position to enable our economies and societies developing in the right direction. To paraphrase a popular saying: the future waits for no one. How that future takes shape is up to all of us,” writes Peter Blom, Chief Executive Officer of Triodos Bank, in a letter to the chair of the DSGC, Jan-Peter Balkenende.
As a values-based financial institution, Triodos Bank has supported sustainable and inclusive business organisations for forty years, in circumstances largely designed for yesterday’s economy. It’s now time to build the economy of tomorrow. In its recent vision document ‘Reset the Economy’ Triodos Bank explains the agenda for profound change.